Helpful Hints & Tips for Your Session:
1. It is not necessary to have everyone dressed exactly alike. As long as everyone is in coordinating colors, you will get a great portrait. Medium to Dark muted tones are the most timeless and slimming, while adding white shirts or khaki pants will really make the portraits pop against a darker background. We usually try to avoid greens outdoors in the spring and summer, since it doesn't always coordinate with the beautiful colors of Colorado. Slight patterns are a great accessory to a jacket or shirt, but avoid having everyone in a different pattern.
2. Full length or 3/4 length sleeves tend to photograph the best, as well as pants or capris', especially in the studio. It allows us to create more posing options for you. Layering a light sweater or jacket also looks great as long as they aren't too stiff. We like to avoid really short skirts and shorts with kids, since their knees usually have bruises and scrapes, and they are sometimes really wiggly! Remember to try on your outfits and make sure that everything fits well , and if you think you look great, you are sure to love your photographs! Be sure to iron any clothing with wrinkles , and shirt collar so they lay nice and flat.
3. Hair should be styled and trimmed. A little hairspray will help you hold your style outdoors, and it is always a good idea to avoid drastic color changes right before a session . We want you to be pleased with your portraits, and an unfami liar style or color can be distracting for you.
4. Seniors should remember to bring in any special items that you would like to use like: letterman’s jackets, musical instruments, sports equipment, prom dresses. Anything that you would like to use to create your own personal style session. You can bring in your entire high heel collections to use as a backdrop if that is who you are! Bring in a variety of outfits, so we can help you choose backdrops to coordinate with your favorite styles. We want you to get the most out of your session, so don’t be afraid to bring in any unique items as well.
5. For location sessions, please plan to arrive about 5 minutes early. We plan our travel time from the studio with each session, so we arrive just a few minutes early for you. That way everyone is ready to start on time, and we can get the most out of the session. Local locations are best for small children, since it is so easy to fall asleep in the car.
6. For newborns, the best time to get the sleepy baby pictures curled up in the adorable poses in our Signature Collection is going to be before they are two weeks old. We are no longer able to do the same poses with them after that point, because they are not as flexible or sleepy. So if you want the adorable wrinkly newborn pictures -you must call us in your last trimester so we can be planning for you!
Thank You!
Ginger & CTM Staff